Facilities for Future Generations Visioning
Sport Wales
Just Solutions were commissioned by Sport Wales to create a facilities blueprint for sport and active recreation across Wales. This project built on years of experience working with local authorities and national governing bodies across the country. The resulting blueprint provided a clear rationale and framework that enables decision-makers at all levels to ensure facilities are fit for purpose, accessible and sustainable.
Project Aims
One of the core aims of this blueprint was to create a tool for delivering on the principles of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. The Act challenges public bodies to focus on the long term implications of their actions, helping to secure more sustainable, equitable and inclusive facilities for the future.
Having worked for many years with grassroots organisations, local authorities and national governing bodies, we knew how varied the challenges faced by decision-makers were. So, we were also keen to provide a framework that could be easily and appropriately applied to all levels of facility provision.
Appraisal of Past Challenges
Our work began with an assessment of the challenges already faced by facility providers. For example, in the face of changing service user demands and a deteriorating extant stock, the existing facilities infrastructure was becoming increasingly unfit for purpose.
This appraisal formed the basis of our framework, allowing us to build on lessons from past experience.
A Three Level Framework
In recognition of the fact that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is not appropriate across diverse communities and types of service provision, we constructed a three-level framework. This laid out recommendations for:​
Very local community facilities and sports clubs
Strategic, wider community facilities
Large, specialist, sport, leisure and tourist attractions
While our recommendations were tailored to the various service levels, across all levels were the overarching principles of tackling inequalities and the effective co-location of services.
From Vision to Action
Finally, the framework laid out a number of recommended next steps, tailored to the different levels of facility provision. For example, we recommended that local authorities conduct facility infrastructure reviews that embrace the role of the education and commercial sectors, as well as a council's unique role in delivering sports and physical activity facilities.
By providing specific recommendations for 'next steps', tailored to different types of organisation, it was ensured that the vision could be easily translated into action.
“The quality of work was to a high standard and value for money”
Just Solutions were commissioned to support the development of an all Wales “Facilities Blueprint – Facilities for Future Generations”.
The consultants involved in the project were both highly experienced and brought a wealth of knowledge on facilities in Wales – across a range of areas covering policy, strategy and management. Their knowledge of the sports landscape in Wales ensured key issues were identified quickly and that relevant organisations were appropriately consulted and engaged in defining the challenges and potential solutions.
The work was undertaken in a prompt and efficient manner whilst keeping the client updated throughout the commission.
The quality of work was to a high standard and value for money. It has resulted in a publication that will help inform local and national decisions now and in the future.
Just Solutions have remained interested in this area of work post their commission and this demonstrates their commitment to delivering a high quality service and the added value they bring to projects.